The war on drugs continues, especially in Georgia.

According to research by The Pew Charitable Trusts, drug offenses stayed high in 2019, with 1.56 million drug-related arrests. If you face a drug charge, you face potentially severe consequences.

1. What does drug possession mean?

Georgia law considers it a drug possession if you have drugs on you or law enforcement you have control over them in your home or vehicle. You also can get charged for trying to get rid of the drugs, such as throwing them out of a vehicle or dumping them down a toilet.

2. Will I have to serve jail time?

In Georgia, getting caught with less than an ounce of marijuana comes with a misdemeanor charge. Other drug charges automatically become a felony. The penalties associated with your charges will depend on numerous factors, including the amount and type of drug. Following the Drug Schedule classification system, Schedule I and II drugs come with harsh penalties. An arrest for drugs, such as heroin or LSD, may come with up to a 15-year sentence. Possession of the other Schedules may come with a one- to five-year jail term. Even if a misdemeanor marijuana charge means facing a $1,000 fine and a potential year in jail. Any subsequent drug arrests only increase your jail time.

3. What other consequences come with a drug charge?

Along with serving time in jail, a drug charge comes with other costs. Any drug conviction immediately means a suspended license for six months. If you rack up more offenses, you may lose your license for up to two years.

While facing drug charges comes with potentially life-altering changes, remember that prosecutors must prove you had possession of drugs.